Since sarip so sucks taking model portraiture....i think i will give up on that...
maybe i will do things i like the most (thanks to damak for the influence) environmental portraits.......

I went to Kuala Sepetang last couple of months ago to visit the charcoal factory. It was an awesome place to shoot. Then i meet Pak Yamin the supervisor in 1 of those charcoal factories. He was kind enough to show me around and explaining to me the process to make those charcoals...believe wasnt easy.....

After i have a nice chat with Pak Yamin, i took a look around to the other factories. Then i saw a young boy doing his stuff....i approached to have a chat with....when he saw me the camera, he quickly ran to get his shirt....eehehhee...
Then the conversation started. His name is Ridhuan...just a part timer during weekend. He's helping his dad to get extra income to cover for his tuition expenses. Still at Form 4 tho.... (kinda ironic to see teenagers in KL spending their parent's money in Bkt Bintang while Ridhuan working to support his study).

For RM 1.00/log,he has to cut this log to 2 pieces, then load it to the processing oven, totally using man power.

So kids out there who wasting your parent's money....go figure!
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