First Encounter with Agfa APX 400

Morpheuse aka Aqmal given me this roll of 120mm Agfa APX 400 few months back, and I'm so kedekut to use the film. Come to think about it, what the heck? Better try the film 1st... during our picnic theme session, i load this film in my Hasselblad 500c/m and politely (konon2...wahahaaha) ask Nurul to pose for me. Since my Paterson already at home, i'm quite confidence to develop the film. Whats the recipe to develop the film lah? Lucky I got my mobile source reference...not google! Morpheuse aka Aqmal give me his recipe.. ahahhaha (thanks abang...) TMax developer with 1:4 ratio room temperture. Develop for 14 minutes with 30secs agitation for the 1st minute and 8secs/minute agitation for the subsequent minutes. Thanks to morpheuse i'm addicted this Agfa APX... farkhhh!!! damn expensive pulak tu......

Nurul in monochrome
Hasselblad 500c/m

Faces of her
Hasselblad 500c/m

TT Film
Hasselblad 500c/m (pic taken by padilopadilan)

National Mosque
Nikon F5, Nikkor 18-35 f/4-5.6